Our complete range of services provide a one-stop-shop for the creation, updating and management of your digital & online presence helping you connect with more customers with less effort and time. Having Digital Guru on board will provide ongoing support, advise and guidance on everything related to the latest technological tools available for getting your message across to as many of your customers as possible.
Intro Meeting & Digital Overview
We'd love to get in touch and find out how we can help you move forward. We've found that the best first step is to meet up so we can get to know each other a little better. Kind of a 'first date' where we can see if there is a 'spark' between Digital Guru and your company or concept! We'll even take the time to review your online presence and come prepared with an overview. No obligation and no fee as long as the coffee is good!
Request Intro Mtg
Digital Snapshot Review
Any journey starts off with finding out exactly where you are! With our Digital Snapshot Review we have an in-depth look at your present state of affairs in regards to your digital online presence.
Whether you have all the boxes ticked or are just contemplating what you really need we'll review, analyse and propose a detailed plan to make sure you are making the most of the latest marketing channels and technologies. You can either keep us on board or pass this on to your present tech/marketing team....we're happy either way.
Book Your Review
Ongoing Support Packages
So this is where we roll up our sleeves and get stuck in to actively drive your online presence forward to acheive your key objectives. Marketing has always been an ongoing concept which requires continued effort and focus to maintain momentum and results. We also understand that one size does not fit all and that is why we provide a number of packages depending on the level of support you need.
FREE Intro Meeting &
Digital Snapshot ReviewStrategy Meeting Per Month4hrs of Digital Guru Task WorkUnlimited Tech & Marketing UpdatesStandard Contact Service |
FREE Intro Meeting &
Digital Snapshot ReviewTwo Strategy Meetings Per Month8hrs of Digital Guru Task WorkUnlimited Tech & Marketing UpdatesStandard Contact Service |
FREE Intro Meeting &
Digital Snapshot ReviewThree Strategy Meetings Per Month17hrs of Digital Guru Task WorkUnlimited Tech & Marketing UpdatesPremium Contact Service |
FREE Intro Meeting &
Digital Snapshot ReviewFour Strategy Meetings Per Month36hrs of Digital Guru Task WorkUnlimited Tech & Marketing UpdatesPremium Contact Service |
Terms Explained & Important Notes...
Strategy Meeting
Face-to-Face meeting where we touch base,review the tasks actioned and performance of the strategy as well as confirming the next set of tasks to be tackled before the next meeting.
Digital Guru Task Work
Tech & Marketing Updates
Standard Contact Service
Premium Contact Service
Rates & Taxes
Customised Packages
We're also happy to discuss customised packages which we'll tailor to your needs and requirements. So whether you need ongoing support updating & optimising your website or want to implement an full ongoing digital marketing strategy we can tailor a package just for you.
Find Out More

Guru Infobyte: Our View
We love being out & about meeting clients and new contacts but we still need to spend a lot of time in our office getting the nitty-gritty work done in front of our computer screens.
Then again we really shouldn't complain when we have the blue Mediterranean sea and a magical island where a saint (St.Paul that is) was once shipwrecked as our office window view!